Retail is for life not just for Christmas

Overheard in Frome...

As a shopkeeper you talk to people... a lot !!

It's actually the best part of the job to be honest and is a lovely way to feel connected with the community in which we live and work.This year, many people have been commenting how they're cutting down and choosing to spend more wisely. Aiming to buy considered pieces and shop locally instead of with bigger brands. This really is music to my ears, and I know many other independent shopkeepers appreciate the change of heart and the way the public are beginning to show us the tide is definitely turning on the UK high street. 

giving a fromie gft box

What we now need to work on is making sure it becomes a year round thing.

A wise man, Martin Newman once told me 'Retail is for life, not just for Christmas' 

2020 is my year to work like a busy bee behind the scenes, ensuring that the online and corporate side of Fromie Gifts are looked after a bit more, and I will be looking to grow my business relationships with the local community. Being a shopkeeper is not as simple as just sitting in a shop, but just as challenging and important as being the CEO of a nationwide operation - I should know, I've been there!

What I have always understood is people buy from people. Companies and customers alike, have to understand why they should buy from you.If that's not clear they'll just shop wherever is easiest  - and I think we all know that's generally online, with the company beginning with 'A'!

frome ceramic bauble

I'm aiming to make 2020 more personal, and hope that in working hard to achieve this, my little world will become a sunnier, happier place. I know this sounds a bit cheesy, but if we respect each other, work together and say "Yes" before we say "No" it really will make a difference to our day to day and general well being.

Mary Portas, yep, her off the tele, really is the queen of this and has some great podcasts - if you are in retail or thinking of starting a business you really should check them out!

Christmas 2019 has been phenomenal for Fromie Gifts, and it's so encouraging to hear, and see people really  'getting it', and for me personally to feel so supported and understood. New businesses always takes a while to bed in and in the words of goldilocks this is beginning to feel 'just right'. 

interior of fromie gifts

So on that positive note, may your festive period be restful and give you time to regenerate and refresh. Let's start 2020 as we mean to go on. And remember, 'Don't look back you're not going that way'  

For news on what's happening with Fromie Gifts in 2020 feel free to sign up to my mailing list at the bottom of my home page and I'll keep you up to date with the latest plans and exclusive deals. Merry Christmas!

From me. To you xx