We all know them don't we - it's no secret that my 'tricky to buy for' is my husband. You would think that after 17 years I would know him inside out, but no - he is a true gifting enigma.

Modern technology has put paid to my usual CD, DVD, Book options and for a while I was kinda stuck. I kept looking for different things to replace these, but why did I bother cos' newsflash...he still likes these things!
Anything to do with music, drinking, escapism, people watching is his bag.So I devised the solution.
It's the perfect Frome solution in fact, as Fromie Gifts have joined forces with 13 different venues in and around Frome, ranging from coffee shops to cinema, beauty salons to restaurants and pubs to campsites with a bit of everything in between.
This is no ordinary gift card (sorry M&S)
The Fromie Gift Card comes, not just in a rubbish envelope, but it's very own mini gift box with a ribbon and expandable venue map. Inside are all the details they may need when deciding on where to spend their pressie. They have 6 months in which to spend it
You can load it with anything from £10 -£100 and you can get it on line here or instore. Easy peasy!
There is a big resurgence for shopping local and supporting small businesses, so let's get those 'tricky to buy for's' a Fromie Gift Card and let them choose their own experiences!